Our online directory lives on a web app platform called Church Connect which is powered by ChurchTrac. You can access our directory on your smartphone's web browser (or on your desktop computer's web browser) after you have first created an account and been let into our private group. Please follow the step-by-step instructions below for how to create an account and sign in.
Church Connect is not a traditional app
You will NOT find the Church Connect app in the App Store or Google Play like traditional apps. Church Connect is a web app that requires less maintenance and fees paid to Google or Apple for shelf space. Here are some helpful instructions for how to add the Church Connect web app to your phone. Note: The QR code referenced in the instructions is available at the top of this page.
Creating a Church Connect account
Step 1: Click the "Sign In" button at the top of our home page (top right-hand side). You can also scan the QR code with your phone at the top of this page to get to our home page as well.
Step 2: Next click the "Create an account" button at the top of the "Sign in" screen. Follow the "Are you human?" prompts by answering the reCAPTCHA questions. Click next and enter your contact information before clicking "Done."
Step 3: You will automatically receive a welcome email with a temporary password in it, entitled "Welcome to ChurchTrac." Follow the instructions in the welcome email to confirm your account.
Step 4: Within the next few days one of our administrators at Heritage will approve your request to be added to our private group. You will receive a second email when your account is approved.
Step 5: Now that you've been added to our group, please finish setting up your family's profile by clicking on the menu button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen and click on the "My Profile" menu option. Scroll down to the section in your profile called "John Doe's Family" (as an example). Please add your family photo to the Online Directory by clicking on the box with the dotted lines around it and uploading your photo there. Note that Family Photos will be viewable by others in the Heritage RBC private Directory. If you are single, you will need to upload your individual photo as the “Family Photo.”
Step 6: Now it's time to review your profile. Go to the left-hand side menu again (while logged in) and click on the "Online Directory" option. Important: Review whether the correct portions of your contact information are being shown to other Members in the Directory. At the top of this screen, you will see “Include my family in this list for other members to see.” You will need to toggle your status “On” to allow your information to be viewed by other Members in our directory. You can also click on “Manage what information I share with others” for more options. This Online Directory Overview video will help you through these and other features.
Note: Adult children living in your home can be grouped into your family profile by using the "Family Role" called "Other." Adult children can also create their own separate family profile as well if they would like (we recommended doing this if they live at a different address). We do not permit children under the age of 18 to be included in the member-facing portion of the Directory. However, children who have their own email address and/or phone number can still be added to your family's profile privately (so that they can receive notifications from the church). If you do this, please make sure to designate each child that you add with the "Family Role" designation of "Child" in their profile settings. This should ONLY be done if the child has their own email address and/or phone number.